Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Amazing Games Children Play

I'm not feeling very well this morning, the baby has had quite a few fussy nights, so I've been pretty uninspired. The girls have been moving in and out of the house all morning. Just now, I hear them in my bedroom playing their game. It sounds like they are veterinarians or animal rescuers who have found a chimpanzee, "old Graybeard". My 7yo said, "Quick! Jane Goodall will be at the animal shelter in 10 minutes. If we get him there fast, she'll take care of him!" My 5yo has been so taken with Jane Goodall since she heard Raffi sing about Gombe. We've found some books at the library about Goodall which she has loved reading. She even named her chimp Beanie Baby "Jubilee", just like Jane.

It's amazing what they can come up with when left to develop their own play. It's always been a pet peeve of mine to hear adults over directing children's play. Some adults think they will be able to make it more imaginative or educational, when really most children want you to play along with their ideas.

Now, we're off to have lunch before the older girls have Little Flowers this afternoon.

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